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Thursday, December 27, 2012

First Sleep - Day 2 - December 27th, 2012

I fell asleep fairly quickly and I slept fairly well. As we turned out the lights, I put the wristband into sleep mode by holding down the status button. I got to bed around 11 pm with the UPs SmartSleep alarm set for 7:15 am, hoping to get near my target sleep of 8h. I was amazed at the information about my sleep I saw after plugging in the smartband when I awoke. Overall, It considered that I met 94% of sleep goal with 7h 34min of sleep, 3h 4min in light sleep and 4h 29min in deep sleep. It reported that I took 23 min to fall asleep. My longest periods of deep sleep recorded were in the early morning (5:30-6:30 am) and right after falling asleep (11:30pm-~1am). I had three very short periods of deep sleep (5-10min) throughout the night and two medium periods of deep sleep (~30min). This was all pretty amazingly detailed information about my sleep patterns, if accurate. One inaccuracy I am sure of is that it reported that I woke up zero times. In fact, I was woken once by my partner, who had some shoulder pain and I rubbed her neck shoulder for a few minutes before falling back asleep..

When the wristband buzzed I was not aware of any dreaming as is often the case with my radio alarm clock. I did feel refreshed and like it was a reasonable time to wake up. According to the software analysis, my waketime was during a period of light sleep at 7:11 am, within 4 min of my scheduled alarm.

A lot more on about my interpretation of this part of this later, as I read up more on sleep and how the UP reflects what is known about typical sleep patterns.

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